Canon Collick – A Hero and a Saint

The following story is reproduced with permission from the writer, Rev Father Ted Doncaster, further details by the writer on Canon Collick can be read  at Canon Collick Back in 1894 there was an advertisement in a London newspaper which read “Wanted – a priest for 10,000 Miners” and when a young Anglican priest in Hoxton, […]

Red Dust Racers – Book Launch

Red Dust Racers by Graeme Cocks will be launched at the WA Museum Kalgoorlie Boulder on the 27th August 3-6pm. All are welcome but and RSVP to the Museum would be most appreciated.  

Kenny and Co Coach Builders – Sepia Saturday

J Kenny and Co, Wheelwrights and Coach Builders. In 1902 it was situated between the cross-over of Richardson and Forrest Sts Boulder on the left hand side from the direction of Burt Street. Prior to this it was near Powells Hotel (Later to be the Boulder Block) on the Great Boulder. Kalgoorlie Miner 1901:- “Messrs […]

A Little Home in Boulder

This is indeed a tiny home on the Goldfields:-  his is Mary Howell nee Hughes at her home in Lane Street Boulder with her baby daughter, Agnes Lillian Howell, who was born in Boulder in 1903. Mary was married to Gwilym (Bill)  Howell and they already had a son Endaf Howell aged 5 yrs. It […]

Mr Ridleys Garden

I have just come across the most amazing photographs in the Western Argus Newspaper. It is two photographs taken of Ward Street (my Street) and then joined together. It was taken for a gardening feature in the paper and shows the extensive garden of Mr F P Ridley of Ward Street, Lamington.  I will include a […]