Goldfields Heroes – The Dease Collection 1

‘Kalgoorlie Boys’ The following photograph are from the “The Soldiers of Barrack Street” collection and are  the work of famed West Australian photographer Denis Dease who operated the Dease studio at 117 Barrack Street from 1898 to 1929. Dease was a prolific photographer of great importance.These photographs are all men with connections to Kalgoorlie. The full […]

And a Good Time Was Had By All

Every Year the Bricknell Grocery Store in Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie would hold a picnic for their employees which was a much looked forward to event. It was usually held in September and all the staff would attend. There were games and races and lots of food and drink. The event was usually held outside of […]

The Rose Garden Memorial – KRH

Kalgoorlie regional Hospital, St Albans Road, Kalgoorlie Western Australia,  ‘Lat: -30.741389  Long: 121.471111’ (Photographs by Sandy Duncan) Many Readers may be unaware that we have a WW2 memorial at the Rose Garden at the Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital at the St Albans Road Entrance. The memorial is in the form of an individual plaque for a […]

John Mohr and Bros – Champion Greengrocer and Hawker

1901. Mr John Charles Mohr with young boy (Charlie Jones) Mr Mohr was born in 1875, his parents ran a green grocers in Northam. He came to the Goldfields as a young man in search of gold in 1894. At one time he did the mail run on a push bike between Coolgardie and Broadarrow […]

DANIEL— CRAIG. A pretty wedding !!

DANIEL— CRAIG. A pretty wedding took place on Friday, October 25 1907, at Mr. J. C. Bell’s residence, ‘Craigross,’  64 Addis Street, Lamington Heights, when Miss Nellie Craig, of Perth,  was married to Mr. Fred. Daniel of Kalgoorlie. The ceremony was performed by Mr. John Stuart, an evangelist of the Church of Christ, Egan Street. The bride, who was given […]