Many Kalgoorlie locals will recognise the building in the photograph below as Tippetts Tea Room at 100 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie (now the House of Babes). However, before being named Tippetts it was called the Albany Bells Tea Rooms. I had thought this name may have come about from someone possibly from Albany but when I […]
The Dirty Acre – The Boulder Block
Rather rowdy, Dingy, cloudy, Dusty, dirty, dim and dowdy, Thirsty throats to mock. Can’t mistake her, Good drought slaker, Six pubs to the bloomin’ acre, Weary hummers, Beery bummers, Cadging ‘deeners’, ‘zacks’ and ‘thrummers’, Mooching in a flock, Frontispieces hard and chilly, Sparring pots off ‘Dick’ and ‘Billy’ (‘Nough to drive a barman silly) On […]
Goldfields Heroes – The Dease Collection 2
The Boulder Boys The following photographs are from the “The Soldiers of Barrack Street” collection and are the collection of famed West Australian photographer Denis Dease who operated the Dease studio at 117 Barrack Street from 1898 to 1929. Dease was a prolific photographer of great importance.These photographs are all men with connections to Boulder. The […]
Montgomery House – Sepia Saturday
This very prestigious home was built by the Montgomery Family who live in it for three generations. The family is well known for its drapery business on the corner of Hannan and Porter Street in Kalgoorlie. The house is now up for sale with Kalgoorlie First National @ but it is a sad sight today […]
A Life on the Stage – Early Goldfields Theatres
On the 4th September 1894 Hannans Find was declared and the track from Coolgardie became the main street. The camp was now becoming a town and more and more business were starting to spring up. Many made from hessian and canvas with a wooden frame. With the arrival of the rail line came building materials […]