James and Amelia Saunders – grave tales

One of the many impressive memorials in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery is of the grave of James and Amelia SAUNDERS.  Grave 5262 in the Anglican section. This is part of their story. James Archibald SAUNDERS was born Malmsbury, Victoria 29 June 1873 to James and Catherine (nee Williams) Saunders. He married Amelia Elizabeth FLEXMORE in Boulder, […]

A Woodline Childhood – by Ron Matthews

From the late 1890s until the early 1950s, because all heavy machinery was steam driven, vast quantities of wood were required to fuel the boilers, coal was too expensive. Consequently Wood Lines were born. The last surviving company was ‘The Western Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply Limited’, which ceased operations in 1964. From early 1946 until […]

Alice Jane Farquhar – grave tales

On the 15th November 1900 Alice Jane FARQUHAR nee NICOL, aged 41yrs, was buried in the Anglican section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. After 120 years you will see that her memorial has stood the test of time. Alice was the daughter of Alexander NICOL who was a shipowner and Lord Provost of Aberdeen and Jane nee […]

A clock on the wall – Lindell Jewellers

In 2008 I was contacted by Kirsti Hiekka Langbein who lives in Finland, and who was seeking information on her Grandfather who was a jeweller in early Kalgoorlie. We corresponded for some time and I was able to tell her that the clock in the Kalgoorlie town hall chambers was made by Lindell’s Jewellers, as was […]

Frank Albert Day – mascot to the 11th Battalion

Story by:- David McMillan Truth can be stranger than fiction can’t it?  Frank Day’s life is stranger than most and shouldn’t be forgotten. Blackboy Hill was the Western Australian training camp established in 1914 to house local Australian Imperial Force (AIF) recruits before they left for the battlefronts in the Middle East and Western Europe.  […]