Alfred Ives – prospector and staunch friend

Sunday Times – Perth – 1 July 1910, page 1 New England ‘Mt Vernon” A Promising Gold Belt told by Alfred Ives Prospector Alfred Ives tripped up the office stairs last Wednesday to offer voluminous details about the development of the New England district, a promising gold-belt located about 40 miles S.S.E. of Wiluna, having […]

The Crudace Brothers –

The following stories about the Crudace brothers was written by their nephew, the late John William Green who was the son of their sister, Clara Elizabeth CRUDACE who married William Henry GREEN from Boulder. John was born in Kanowna in 1905 and died in 1985, he is buried in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. William Mellamby CRUDACE […]

Mother and Daughter – grave tales

The below elaborate memorial to a mother and daughter who died not long apart has stood the test of time. As you will see in the second photograph taken 107 years later it remains much the same. It is surprising that often a grave made with the same type of materials will fall into disrepair […]

Albany Bell – The Confectionary King

Many Kalgoorlie locals  will recognise the building in the photograph below as Tippetts Tea Room at 100 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie (now the House of Babes). However, before being named Tippetts it was called the Albany Bells Tea Rooms. I had thought this name may have come about from someone possibly from Albany but when I […]

The Painting in the Pub –

West Australian 12 July 1952, page 14 A Curtain Raiser for the Golden Nineties by Freda Vines One of our truly indigenous works of art, “Bayley’s Luck” painted by Gerald Walsh in 1899, hangs in the carefree atmosphere of a goldfields pub. The hotel is the Fimiston, one of the only two remaining hotels of […]