Kalgoorlie Miner 25 Sep 1995 Merv Stubbs – Strong Ties with the Goldfields – by Alan Francis Merv Stubbs, aged 70, is sitting back in his weatherboard and tin ‘castle’ and has just poured himself another midi of ‘gold’ and is all set to enjoy ‘Days of our Lives’. This is one of about a […]
A Playground of Death – grave tales
After living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder for many years, and talking to lots of people about what they did as youngsters and what games they played. I was told, that although playing on the slime dumps and near mine shafts was ‘strictly forbidden’, just about everyone did it. If their parents had know what they got up […]
Diggers Justice – by John Marshall
Diggers Justice. In 1894, near Kalgoorlie, a miner named Winter cheated his mate Bull of £80 worth of gold. The chief witness against Winter was a man named Ruse, who told Bull of Winter’s perfidy. This is a true account of the ‘roll up’ which ensued. Winter at first denied having found or sent away […]
The Binduli Blood House –
The Binduli Bloodhouse – The following article appeared in ‘The Sun’ newspaper on the 28th October 1906. The sentiments and derogatory comments about foreigners and women were common at the time. THE BINDULI BLOODHOUSE. BARTOLO MORATTI’S PUB CLAIMS TO THE ATTENTION OF POLICE Disreputable Boozing Den— For Dissipated Dagos.— No Attractions for Picnickers.— Closure Badly […]
Sadie and Arthur – a wander down the vale of tears
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 4 November 1897, page 12 A marriage took place at Burgess’ Hotel on Tuesday last, when Miss Sadie Richards agreed to wander down this vale of tears with Mr Arthur Dunlop, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Broad Arrow. Mr “Andy” Brophy gave the bride away, while the duties of best […]