Mount Magnet – Goldfields Town

Latitude : 28 04 S Longitude : 117 51 E  Western Australia Mount Magnet is a townsite in the Murchison goldfields, 569 km north east of Perth and 126 km east of Yalgoo. Gold was discovered in the Mount Magnet area in July 1891 by the prospectors George Woodley and Tom Sampey. By late 1893 […]

YUNNDAGA – Ghost Town

  A New town has been added to the main site. Yunndaga. A small town about 7 kms South of Menzies.  This photograph is of the staff of the Menzies Consolidated Gold Mine 1916, taken when the town was called Woolgar. YUNNDAGA From:- Landgate Latitude 29° 45′ S Longitude 121° 03′ E […]

The Great Unwashed Preserver of the Peace:

Constable JOLLY – Coolgardie, Western Australia 1909 Nick-named ‘The Great Unwashed Preserver of the Peace’ Constable Jolly blamed the scarcity of water for his economical use of it which in turn, caused some dissatisfaction among his fellow police officers who finally planned to lure him to Silverthorne’s dam and push him in. This drastic step […]

The Corrick Family Entertainers:

BOULDER- TOWN HALL.  ‘THE CORRICK FAMILY” Saturday 14th August 1909. The Corrick Family  continued their Boulder season last night. There was a large attendance in the popular portion of the house. The items of the program consisted of orchestral selections and choruses by the full strength of the company and a fine hand bell performance, […]

The Story of a Sign – J Moriarty Hairdresser!

I was recently contacted by a reader who sent me the following story about his efforts to return a shop sign that came into his possession. So far he had hit a brick wall but thought you may like to read about his search so far and maybe someone will know a ‘Moriarty’ descendant. I […]