The Tragic Death of Mollie Smith

On the 3rd July 1924, a young teacher aged 18 years, Mary ‘Mollie’ Smith, was tragically burned to death in front of her class of young children. It must have been horrific for the children present. She is buried in the Boulder Cemetery. MARY ‘MOLLIE’ FINDLATER SMITH Mollie Findlater SMITH was born in 1905 in […]

The Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial

Since the launch of the WAVMM last year I have often been asked why I have decided to include miners from the whole of Western Australia instead of just the Goldfields. I thought this might explain why. The following graph from the 1934 Department of Mines (Now the Dept of Mineral and Energy), shows the […]

The Italian Miner

If you attened recent the talk by Dr Criena Fitzgerald at the WA Museum Kagoorlie-Boulder on the 18th November you would be interested to read the following verse from the Murchison Advocate in 1902. This pre dates the period that was covered in the talk, WW1, but it shows how the seeds of unrest and […]

Kanowna’s Boy Hero – James Sexton

To rescue a fellow mortal from a watery grave, from a burning building or under other exceptional circumstances requires the display of personal bravery and lack of regard for the safety of the rescuer. To risk all, to and to face death to save a mate, is often heard of. These deeds are rewarded by […]

Alexander Pitman – The Man Behind the Legend!

I am sure that most people who are interested in the history of the Goldfields of Western Australia will have heard the story of the two gold stealing officers were cruelly murdered and their bodies dismembered and thrown down a mine shaft just outside of town at Millers Find.  A great deal has been written […]