Speeds Criterion Hotel – Kalgoorlie

The Criterion happily is still quite recognisable from this photograph taken not long after its completion in 1901. It was built in 1900 on the former premesis of the ‘Universary Wine Saloon’ also owned by Charles Speed. You will see from the article below that the builder was also responsible for the Municipal Markets, The […]

Grave Tales – Tom Flanagan

Paddy Hannan has long been  recognised as the first person to find gold in the region in the June 1893 with Irishmen Tom Flanagan and Dan Shea. The men found 3 kg of gold in one day, the equivalent of an average year’s wages, at a site originally named Hannan’s, close to what was later […]

The Cricketer – Andy Dressa – Grave tales

  This wonderful photograph was sent to me by Trish Ward who has kindly given me permission to show it to you. These hansom fellows were part of a cricket team and the man in the back left is the only one that can definitely be identified. He is Andy Dressa who was a champion cricketer, […]

G R Brown & Co – The Fashionable Tailor

The company of G R Brown and Co was stated as a ‘Very salubrious Establishment’ as this photo below will show. There seemd to be a great numbert of staff employed there and the building not only occupied the premesis as seen today in the ‘Burt Street Presinct’ but also a double story building to […]

Jarlach DUFFY – ‘A Dynasty’s Harsh Beginning’

  If you were to visit the Perth offices of Eyers Reed Ltd, 45 floors up from the city of Perth with views of the Swan River and Darling Ranges, it takes considerable effort that this modern share broking firm with a turnover of  tens of millions had its beginning on the Goldfields of Western […]