An Extraordinary Tale

I have often mentioned, the regular occurrence, of what you may call ‘synchronicity’ where two related things come together for no apparent reason. It seems to happen with amazing regularity and I have lost count on how many time I have received an enquiry on a particular person or place only to have another person […]

Scandal at Murtagh’s Private School

The following story is about a teacher who went from town to town setting up schools for a short time then leaving under a cloud of suspicion. First in Perth in 1892 then to Kalgoorlie and  Coolgardie then on to Perth again then Bunbury with the same results. However Mr Murtagh was in no way […]


THE PRIEST AND THE POLICEMAN   by Peter Conole (WA Police Historian) (Retired 2013) with permission from the Police Historical Soc  @ The above photograph is a fairly well known West Australian image, one which deserves a greater degree of fame. This fine relic of the Gold Rush days has been in the possession of the […]

The Glass on the Bar – by Henry Lawson

The Glass on the Bar Three bushmen one morning rode up to an inn, And one of them called for the drinks with a grin; They’d only returned from a trip to the North, And, eager to greet them, the landlord came forth. He absently poured out a glass of Three Star. And set down […]

The Kathleen Maud

Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette 4 September 1902, page 2 DAY DAWN NOTES. The ambulance waggon for Day Dawn arrived on Saturday last, and is a very handsomely finished vehicle. The waggon, which has been christened ” Kathleen Maud,” has been built from an American design of the latest and most up-to-date principles, with […]