Mystery Box – in the Gala Annual Show!

I came across this following photograph dated 20 Sep 1900 and immediately thought that the wooden item in the top of the display looked very much like the case which held the petition for separation from the rest of Western Australia. Im not sure if they were the makers of the box but it looks […]

Old Age and Youth – Darlot Divorce

We often think that family law matters didn’t go to court in the early days but this unusual story shows that matters could still be most complicated and acrimonious:- Leonora Miner (WA : 1910 – 1928), Saturday 6 August 1927, page 3 Old Age and Youth.   –     WIFE OF 39yrs SUES HUSBAND […]

A Deadly Epidemic – Leonora update

Fevers and flu were common, mostly caused by poor sanitation and cross infection, and, until the arrival of antibiotics in 1945, pneumonia was often a fatal disease. In May 1919, an Italian miner called Luigi Morelli, contracted ‘broncho pneumonia influenza and died within six days. Eight more cases were diagnosed in rapid succession. The Public Health […]

Did she fall or was she pushed? – Annie Solly

Life for a single woman on the Goldfields of Western Australia could be very hard. Annie Solly seems to have been a young woman who could look after herself and she appeared in the newspapers several times for things such as drunk and disorderly. On New Years Day 1902 she was arrested and charged 10 […]

A Day on the Woodline – a family story

Syd Collins, who is the father of Wendy Bloomfield, was born at Kurrawang and worked on the Lakewood Woodline, as did his father, Robert Sydney Collins.  He completed an apprenticeship as a fitter and turner during his time working there. In this article, he provides a snapshot of “A day at work on the Lakewood […]