The Church of St Luke (Anglican) – Trafalgar by Fr Edward Doncaster Trafalgar townsite was gazetted in 1899 and is mentioned in the Boulder service register in 1902 and evening services were commenced in May 1903 by lay reader Mr A E Nadebaum. A building committee of messrs Ginbey and Monkhouse formed in early 1904, […]
Hasty’s Grave – mans best friend
Hasty’s Grave This grateful country cherishes the fine courageous band Who pioneered the wilderness, and founded our great land And so it is appropriate that the name of one so brave Be printed on our outback maps, marked simply ‘Hasty’s Grave’ And for those who wished to go there, and find the grave, perhaps Longitude […]
A Gallant Young Hero
Sunday Times – Perth – 5 April 1914, page 7 The Knickerbocker Hero The Little Lennonville Hero were some of the words used to describe Vincent Atkinson, a young boy of just ten years of age, who was to inspire West Australians with his presence of mind and his ‘heart of a lion’ after he […]
Russian Jack – The other J F K
Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift: a journal of bush history Russian Jack and Synchronicity – by Diane Oldman I rather thought I had made up the word ‘synchronicity’ and when I attempted to look it up in several dictionaries I couldn’t find it. So I decided it was a new noun – my noun. Then […]
Coolgardie – The Hall Family,early days
The following collection of photographs are reproduced with the kind permission of Marshall Hall and Family. In his words:- ‘Charles FitzJohn Hall was the main produce merchant in Coolgardie from 1896-1918. Prior to this he made his money in gold diggings. He saw the need to supply the fields with goods and produce and he […]