Deaths Registered in the Yilgarn 1894-1895

Early Goldfields Deaths 1894-1895 Registered in the Yilgarn District (Southern Cross) but died elsewhere. In the early days of the Western Australian Goldfields it took a number of years for Registrars to be appointed to the new towns as they were established. Southern Cross was the nearest point for the registration of any Birth Death […]

The Lake Eva Oil Hoax-

In May of 1923, Robert ROTHKEHL and Ernest Thompson claimed that they had struck oil at Mt Eva near Southern Cross in Prospecting area 1135. A Company was floated and shares sold. Western Mail – Perth 13 December 1923, page 26 THE OIL “BUBBLE” BURSTS. Tho discovery of oil in Lake Eva (near Southern Cross) […]

Sam Pearce- an extraordinary miner

This story has been written and is reproduced with the kind permission of the author – Chris Morgan. Acknowledgements: I am appreciative for the help freely given by many in locating and providing information and their encouragement to pursue this investigation.  In particular I thank Scott Wilson and the staff of the Eastern Goldfields Historical […]

Paddy and the Snake:-

Paddy NEVIN was an elderly identity pf Kunanalling who lived by himself ina  camp on the outskirts of town. Paddy had been involved in a nasty accident in his younger days, being dragged the length of a platform by a train, inflicting horrible painful injuries to his right leg. A stiff leg was to afflict […]

Kunanalling and Beyond – book review

In 1895 gold was discovered in the area by prospectors and it was initially known as 25 mile which is its distance from Coolgardie. The goldfields warden recommended that a townsite be declared in the same area. The town was also called Connanalling but the spelling was changed by the Lands department when the town was gazetted in […]