Its not often there are identified photos of private houses. Here are a selection of the types of homes and gardens in Kalgoorlie in 1909 from the Western Argus.
Jack Leckie – One of the chosen
I was recently contacted by Mal Leckie who has sent me the following information on his well known relative, Mal said:- my grandfather, John (Jack) Leckie, was a prominent footballer and coach on the goldfields in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s and the family still hold a trophy he was presented with in 1899 for […]
A wedding with the wrong names:-
Although the Western Argus published the below photograph in Sept 1904, entitled ‘OLDAM-WALDERSON’ wedding, after some research it turns out to be the wedding of Robert William ALDERSON to Isabel KELLY. I can see how Alderson could become Walderson but not sure about the Kelly. (: Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Tuesday […]
Called Home to Jesus – grave tales
On the 6th November 1911 little Dorothea Ruby Olive WRAIGH, age 9yrs, passed away in the Infectious Disease Hospital in Kalgoorlie. Exactly a week later her little brother Alwyn George WRAIGHT, aged 7mth, also died. They are buried together in the Boulder Cemetery. Dorothea was born in Coolgardie on the 20th Nov 1902 to George […]
Dryblower Jack – pioneer profile
John Carins – know as Dryblower Jack:- John was born in Newcastle on Tyne, in Northumberland, England in 1890 and was educated in Rutherford College in that town. He was said to have come to Australia in 1913, he had a discharge certificate from the British services. As a young man he worked at various […]