The Globe Hotel was situated between Ford and Hunt Streets Coolgardie. There is no known photograph of the building which has survived. W M Faahan was the first owner and claimed it to be the first hotel in Coolgardie. In 1895 it was known as, Alec Caro’s Wine and Beer Saloon, three months later, when […]
Patrick Logan – grave tales
There is a mystery surrounding the above grave at Bulong, from some 25 years ago. Around this time, I was contacted by my friend, Mike Logan, who was the Gt Grandson of Patrick Logan. He had made the trip to the Goldfields to visit the grave of his relative in the Bulong cemetery. He also […]
Pitchford’s Hairdressing Saloon: Coolgardie
These are interesting photographs, as it is unusual to see the inside of buildings. The original store was destroyed in the 1897 fire and this building replaced it. Interior of R Pitchford’s Exchange Hairdressing Saloon, in the Exchange Building, Coolgardie 1895. This is the interior of the original saloon which was destroyed by fire in 1897.
The Sun – goldfields newspapers
The Sun Newspaper was circulated in the Goldfields from 1898 to 1929 when the name was changed to The Goldfields Observer, which continued until 1939. Printed and published by Frank Walker for Kalgoorlie Newspapers, Ltd at their office, 51 Forrest-street, Kalgoorlie next to the Railway Hotel. The Sunday Times and “The Sun” newspapers in Western Australia. “The Sunday […]
The Freemasons Hotel – Coolgardie
The Freemasons Hotel was originally a single storey structure of corrugated iron which was frequently referred to as ‘The Sweat Box’. It was situated on Bayley Street, near the corner of Renou Street. When the first licensee, J Harris, sold it to Charles Vincent and Josiah Lipman took over the hotel in March of 1894 they […]