Christmas Camp – by Dryblower Murphy

The miles are long in Mulgaland, Beyond the beaten pad, Today is Christmas, but no hand Grips mine in greeting glad. Yet, though this stinted meal I make Burlesques the festal board, It strums upon the strings that wake A long forgotten chord. It bears me back on rushing wings That time can never cramp […]

The Great Western Hotel – Coolgardie

The Great Western Hotel stood on the corner of Bayley and Hunt Sts Coolgardie. The site is now occupied by the Coolgardie Motel. It was also known as De Baun’s, after the first licensee. It was built in 1893 and was destroyed in the great fire of 1897.

Childe Harold – a ship, a horse or a poem???

We now have a new town on the Outback Family History web site: Childe Harold is on the Mt Weld Station, 22kms south of Laverton, Western Australia. Have you ever come across the name of a town that is so unusual you want to find out where the name came from?Many years ago I heard of […]

Christmas Tree Party – by tony bozich

Youngsters in the 1940’s/60’s whose fathers worked of the then, Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie company, enjoyed the annual Christmas Tree Party held every year by the company at the Hamilton Park opposite the Boulder Block in Fimiston for its employees, free drinks and sweets and other eats being served to the children from about 6.30 […]

Kalgoorlie Hospital – the first records

I was fortunate that a friend came across, and copied, the following admission register for the Kalgoorlie Hospital at State Records in Perth. It dates from Dec 1894 to May 1896. These would be the very first people treated on the same site as the Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital in Piccadilly Street, Kalgoorlie today. It is […]