Magnet Mirror and Murchison Reflector 12 January 1928 Polo Shadows. Now saddle up your brumbies, And tighten up your girth; The task is now before you, And we will soon know what your worth For you’ll meet the greatest horsemen, That ever yet has been; And see the greatest polo match, That ever yet was […]
Boney Brims Contract:
Sunday Times : 22 December 1907 OLD “Boney Brim” and his old mate Jolly, walked deliberately into the bar of The Miners’ Arms, at Cue, and each drank a pint of beer. The contract for sinking the main shaft of the Old Warden mine another hundred feet, had just been let, and the two mates […]
“I’ve got me tobacco, I’ve got me beer and I’ve got me dog”.
I have been fortunate in being given permission by Roger Garwood to share his photographs from the book ‘Off Like Flies’ by Trish Ainslee and Roger Garwood. Roger told me:- Fred’s philosophy of life : He once explained, after he had sold the Doreen Rose and the new owner (I’ve forgotten his name) found millions […]
The Heat Wave – a verse
The Heat Wave When the earth was parched and the sky aflame When the old year slept beyond praise or blame In an evil moment a heatwave came Some dropped the pen and some dropped the pick Some were dying, and some more were sick And sunstroke cases came fast and thick Creation dropped in […]
The Day Dawn Christmas Tragedy:
I have read of many tales of hardship and awful accidents over the years, but the following story is without doubt, one of the saddest and most tragic of all I have ever come across. I first read about it 11 years ago when I was contacted by Ian Leithhead, who asked me to assist […]