Crime Passionnel – tragedy at Kanowna

Kalgoorlie Western Argus  4 October 1900, page 10 Tragedy at Kanowna. ATTEMPTED MURDER AND SUICIDE. A shocking tragedy, the motive of which is not yet ascertainable, owing to the meager particulars at hand, was enacted at Kanowna on Tuesday afternoon. A Frenchman named Henri Lance, who was connected with the recent prostitute cases in Kalgoorlie, […]

They wished upon a star : a history of Southern Cross and Yilgarn

They wished upon a star : a history of Southern Cross and Yilgarn  by P.T. McMahon. Did you know that ‘MIRRABOOKA’ is the aboriginal word for Southern Cross??? YILGARNIA On that ancient sea bed of Yilgarnia, one of the oldest land surfaces in the world. Yilgarnia, timeless and mysterious, a land of such antiquity, that […]

A Very Private Wedding:

Western Argus 24th March 1903 Boulder The Marriage of Arthur Waldo Connelly to Marion Way 1903 Boulder Western Australia A wedding that occasioned much interest in social circles took place on March 4 between Dr. Arthur Waldo Connelly, youngest son of the late Mr. T. J. Connelly. of Bendigo, Victoria, and Miss Marion Way, youngest daughter […]

Did she Fall or was She Pushed? – Annie Solly

Life for a single woman on the Goldfields of Western Australia could be very hard. Annie Solly seems to have been a young woman who could look after herself and she appeared in the newspapers several times for things such as drunk and disorderly. On New Years Day 1902 she was arrested and charged 10 […]

The Gallant Mrs Taylor – pioneer profile

From The Sunday Times , Perth, Sunday 9 June 1940 Mining for gold is usually looked upon as a mans game, in which muscle and endurance are needed to wrest the gold-bearing stone from the earth and to keep the machinery moving. It calls for grit, a brave heart and ability to withstand all the […]