The Railway Picnic – Bulla Bulling

  Westralian Worker (Perth, WA : 1900 – 1951), Friday 11 September 1903, page 1 RAILWAY EMPLOYEES ANNUAL  PICNIC. The rendezvous for the above this year was Bulla Bulling, the historic place from which the navvies used to come. At Kalgoorlie a start was made with 12 carriages, loaded down to Plimsoll mark, and to […]

Burbanks : Methodist Marriages:-

Because of Burbanks close proximity to Coolgardie, many of the weddings of the local people took place there. The ones which took place at Burbanks were conducted mainly in peoples homes despite there being a Methodist Church in the town. The first wedding in the church was that of Henry Jones and Jane Letitia Howe […]

Pascoe – family album

The following are photographs from the family album of Ron Pascoe:

Burbanks – original leasholders

The following is a list oif the original owners of the townsite blocks in Burbanks. NICHOLAS William Lot 32 1899 JONES May Lot 36 1901 REGAN William Patrick Lot 37 1901 TERRELL James Henry Lot 38 1901 PARK John Jack Lot 39 1901 CRUDACE William Mellanby Lot 40 1901 JONES Francis Lot 44 1901 HANRAHAN […]

The Story of the Murchison – part 2

Following on from the first part of this tale from earlier in the year: The Story of the Murchison Part 1 Extract from a paper prepared by F Bateson and read to the WA Historical Society on the 25 October 1946. Early in 1895, I (Frederick W Bateson) was offered a position at the Star […]