The Desert Warriors, Mt Margaret, Laverton Western Australia 1973 Back Row: Leo THOMAS, Chris JOHNSTON, Kevin THOMAS, Eric THOMAS, Norman SIMPSON, Albert NUDDING, Gary ELDER, Barry THOMAS (Capt), Gary SULLIVAN, Fred McARTHUR, Gus MILLER Front Row: Laurie DEAR, Preston THOMAS, Andrew LAWSON, Brian McINTYRE, Ron SMITH, Timothy ROBINSON, Duncan BILSON
From Wheat to Gold – Edwards Find
31° 34′ 8” South , 119° 23′ 14” East In 1928 former Kalgoorlie prospector, F.W. Edwards and his family left Kalgoorlie for a new life farming 15 kilometres south-west of Marvel Loch. Within 12 months he had discovered gold on the property. A successful trial crushing occurred in 1931, and then farming was abandoned for […]
Triple Tragedy at the Golden West:
In 2013, a lady by the name of Margaret Sanders, contacted me about including her uncle Ralph Douglas Young (Joe), on the Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial. She has seen our appeal for family members to come forward to provide additional information about miners names to be engraved on the memorial at the WA Museum […]
The Return of the Prospector- a verse
With the fires of hope still burning I’ll take to the open road, To the bush I am returning And it’s there I’ll take my load. For the pull of the bush like a magnet Is drawing me to her heart And I’ll make my mark on this rugged land One day e’er I depart. […]
The Brennan Brothers Marry –
In 1899, Kalgoorlie was to have two of the biggest events on the social calendar. The marriages of two of the members of the leading Kalgoorlie business Brennans Bros, Kyran and James Brennan. The difference being that the wedding of James Brennan took place in Perth and Kyran Brennan in Kalgoorlie. Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA […]