A Life in Pictures – Hemus and Hall

The first professional photographers were well ahead of their time even using the clumsy and painfully slow wet-plate method, they set about creating a marvelous gallery of portraits and scenes. They caught the picturesque, raffish, ponderous and pioneering spirit of the period in a remarkable fashion just as the character and enthusiasm of the golden […]

The Hill End Tragedy and the aftermath:

Kalgoorlie Western Argus, Tuesday 26 January 1904, page 13 Hill End Fire Tragedy. Inquest on the Victims Mr. A. J. Evans, acting coroner, and a jury consisting of Messrs F. Mitchell (chairman), J. Matthews and W. V. Lee, inquest held into the cause of the death of the three little boys Lee, who were burnt […]

The Railway Coffee Palace- Coolgardie

The above photograph is of Harrisons Guest House and Coffee Palace which was in the Railway Chambers and also contained the Westralia Dining Rooms. This building, built in 1897, was directly across from the Coolgardie Railway Station in Woodward Street, Coolgardie. It was also know as the Railway Coffee Palace. The man on the far […]

A Ghan who did a ‘woowing go :

The Sun, Kalgoorlie: 24 March 1907, page 9 MARRIAGE OF A RUE DE BROOKMAN RESIDENT. The foundations of goldfields society were shaken to their bedrock bottom on Wednesday morning, last, when the “Kalgoorlie Miner” issued with the announcement of the marriage of a well known Afghan, to a more notoriously known French woman, of the […]

The Hill Brothers in Coolgardie – grave tales

Daily News Perth – Friday 30 November 1894, page 2 Admissions to Coolgardie Hospital – Adolphus Hill, aged 23, a native of Kyneton, Victoria, had low fever and exhaustion, he was delirious when admitted, and everything possible was done for him, but he never rallied and quickly succumbed. Birth Registration in Victoria for Adolphus and […]