The Widow who Sued!

Sun Sunday 21 June 1908, page 9 THE WIDOW WHO SUED! THEN, BREACH O’ PROMISE SUITED THE MAN. An Ex Kalgoorlie Barmaid the Plaintiff (Margaret Augusta Elizabeth BRIDGELAND) and an Ex -Publican of Boulder Block the Defendant (Harry RODER) The Bridgeland- Roder breach of promise for £1,000 action was heard and concluded before Judge Pring […]

Where Was That? book review

An Historical Gazetteer of Western Australia by Geoffrey Higham – second edition published 2006. This is an excellent book for those researching or reading old family documents or just interested in the development of Western Australia. The gazetteer lists place names of Western Australia in the following Categories: Places which have been renamed, sometimes more […]

A Home in Southern Cross

I was recently sent this wonderful photograph by Jody Harrison, this is what she tells about it: My husband’s Gr Grandfather was Joseph Hall. The picture below was their house at Southern Cross. The children of Joseph and Eliza Jane HALL nee LATHLEAN were: Elsie Lathlean HALL (born 29th May 1890 in Moonta, South Australia) […]

Murty Broderick – He threw a seven!

Coolgardie Miner Saturday 23 June 1894, page 5 He Threw a Seven by Smiler Hayles He came to this field amongst the first army of gold-seekers who swept inland from the sea coast, intent upon burgling the treasure chests of nature. He was only one of the rough but gallant band of pioneers who, leaving […]

Menzies Murderer Hanged:

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Tuesday 10 May 1904, page 29 MENZIES MURDERER EXECUTED PERTH, May 4 1904 – Mianoor Mahomet, the Menzies murderer, was hanged at Fremantle this morning, a couple of minutes after the appointed hour, 8 o’clock. The doomed man had only to step across a few paces of […]