The Tangled web of “Burly Bill” Lucas –

William “Burly Bill” Lucas (1852-1904) a family story. The following story has been most carefully researched, not withstanding the complications. John Fripp, who has very kindly shared this unusual family story was assisted by DNA tests as well as the usual research methods. William Lucas must have been a very hansom figure of a man, […]

A Vet in the House !!!!

We have yet another identified Kalgoorlie House. This is the residence of Austen Harry Bradley Veterinary Surgeon, 5 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie. Sadly the house on this block today , although old, is not the original building in the photograph. Mr Bradley had an area at the rear of the building where he was able to […]

The Great Beer Strike of 1903 – Victory !!!!

BEER STRIKE AT MT MORGANS. VICTORY FOR THE STRIKERS. Kalgoorlie Western Argus: 14 July 1903.  –  A correspondent, telegraphing under yesterday’s date from Mt. Morgans, states :A fierce and decisive battle has been fought in this town, the contest lasting exactly 48 hours. The miners, led by Captain Frampton, held a meeting on Friday night […]

Little Teddy Murray – grave tales

If you visit the Kanowna Cemetery on the Yarri Rd just out of Kalgoorlie, (12 kms on the right from the turn off to the local tip) one of the first graves that you will see when you enter the gate is that of a little boy called ‘Teddy’. Over the years when I have […]

A Faithful Wife, True and Kind-

I was recently sent this photograph of H Cramer and Co, Saddle, Collar and Harness Maker. To find out a bit more about the business I started to search. A sad tale indeed unfolded. In Kalgoorlie in 1901, a young couple married, Margaret Theresa Angus and Henry Timothy Cramer.  Henry was born in 1871 in […]