Red Hill Cemetery (Kambalda) – Grave Tales

Kambalda Pioneer Cemetery Beresford Rd, Kambalda L 31.204984 – L 121.650983 A recent post on Facebook about the suicide of an early miner who is buried in the Red Hill (Kambalda) Pioneer Cemetery raised a few comments so I thought it would be of interest to research a bit further on the few who have […]

A Life on the Stage – Early Goldfields Theatres

On the 4th September 1894 Hannans Find was declared and the track from Coolgardie became the main street. The camp was now becoming a town and more and more business were starting to spring up. Many made from hessian and canvas with a wooden frame. With the arrival of the rail line came building materials […]

The Adelaide Silver Grill – Sepia Saturday

  The Adelaide Silver Grill Dining Rooms was known as a superior establishment as will be seen by the following advertisement from the Coolgardie Miner in Dec 1894. The proprietors were McIver and Smith and it was located in Bayley Street, Coolgardie opposite the Freemasons Hotel. It was also known as ‘The Grotto’ and later […]

The Smith’s – by Dryblower Murphy

The SMITH’s – By Edwin Greenslade Murphy eg ‘Dryblower Murphy” We had many problems set us when Coolgardie was a camp When a journey to the Goldfields was meant a coach fare or a tramp We has water troubles, tucker ditto, also that of gold, how to clothe ourselves in summer, how to dress to […]

Coolgardie Childrens Hospital – A First !!!

The Childrens Hospital Coolgardie – the first children’s hospital in Western Australia, functioned for a time in Coolgardie but was eventually abandoned and the patients were placed in a special ward in the Government hospital close by.  In 1904 the local authorities took over the building and used it as an infectious disease hospital. Note:  […]