Old Jim ‘The Hatter’s’ Christmas Party –

Old Jim ‘the Hatter” lay in bed half asleep. At least he reckoned himself half asleep, although he knew well enough that it was Christmas morning and time to get up. But he had dreamt such a wonderful dream and the illusion, the charm of it, so persisted that he hated to open his eyes. […]

A Bush Christmas – by C J Dennis

The sun burns hotly thro’ the gums As down the road old Rogan comes The hatter from the lonely hut Beside the track to Woollybutt. He likes to spend his Christmas with us here. He says a man gets sort of strange Living alone without a change, Gets sort of settled in his way; And […]

A Bush Christmas by C J Dennis

The sun burns hotly thro’ the gums As down the road old Rogan comes The hatter from the lonely hut Beside the track to Woollybutt. He likes to spend his Christmas with us here. He says a man gets sort of strange Living alone without a change, Gets sort of settled in his way; And […]

Jim The Hatter’s Christmas Party

Old Jim the “Hatter” lay in bed half asleep. At least he reckoned himself half asleep, although he knew well enough that it was Christmas morning and time to get up. But he had dreamt such a wonderful dream and the illusion, the charm of it, so persisted that he hated to open his eyes. […]

Christmas in the Never Never –

Daily News Perth 23 December 1933, page 18 Mrs Aeneas Gunn’s Epic Story of an Australian Bush Christmas ‘There never was such a Christmas as the Christmas on the Elsey Station, and there never will be another like it,’ said ‘The Quiet Stockman from ‘We of the Never Never’ today. Outside of Mrs. Aeneas Gunn’s […]