The Sun -Kalgoorlie – 3 April 1904, page 6 ALLEN Frederick ‘Fred’ Howard- of Tampa, who, some weeks ago, committed suicide by hanging. This verse was written by his mate at the Champion Mine, Kookynie and submitted to ‘The Sun’. THE SUICIDE Before shuffling off this mortal coil. Before being covered with the soil, Just […]
Kurnalpi Cemetery – grave tales
KURNALPI BURIALS 1894 -1912 80 km east north east of Kalgoorlie New Cemetery – 1 mile SW of town Reserve 2715 Cemetery Gully – near road 1050, 1 ½ Miles East of Town, Reserve 4068 13 Burials = 10 New Cem 3 Gully Cem The Lonely graves are scattered In that fenceless vast gods acre […]
Bullfinch Cemetery – grave tales
BULLFINCH CEMETERY Latitude -30.998333 degrees Longitude -119.093961 degrees 35km north of Southern Cross. 26 Known Burials – 1905-1940 CROCKER Albert Munro – d 14 Jun 1913, 24 years, at Golden Valley, Cause: Accidentally shot with own firearm, Father: Richard Henry Munro CROCKER, Mother: Mary Jane GREGSON, Born: Rushworth, Campaspe Shire, Victoria, Reg: 10/1913 Yilgarn, buried […]
John B Ryan – an adventurous life
John B Ryan was also known as ‘Old Jack’ died near the end of November 1905, it is thought his age was about 60yrs. He was found on Sturt Meadows Station by a boundary rider some distance from Diorite King in the Leonora District. Jack was an old prospector who was reported as missing. When […]
Augustus Thorn – pioneer profile
AUGUSTUS LOFTUS ‘GUS’ THORN by Lyn Beard The death of Augustus Loftus ‘Gus’ THORN does not appear to have been registered and the burial did not show up on any of the usual resources for graves. The only record of his death in 1932 seems to be this small article in The Goldfields Observer of […]