Sir Samuel Cemetery – ”are we remembered not?”

Sir Samuel / Mt Sir Samuel Cemetery Yakabindi Station East of Bellevue Mine Camp. 27°36’90”S  –  120°32’65”E 31 known burials – Reserve 6405 Tis sad to see these friendless graves And think of those who lie therein Their mute appeal some tribute craves For love which in the past had been. AKBAR Meer AKA Mullang […]

Wiluna Pioneer Cemetery – grave tales

As often happened in the early days, the first site considered for a cemetery ground became unsuitable usually because of things such as proximity to the living areas or water supply or perhaps the ground was too hard to dig. This happened at Wiluna, and after less than five years of use and 20 burials, […]

A Playground of Death – grave tales

After living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder for many years, and talking to lots of people about what they did as youngsters and what games they played. I was told, that although playing on the slime dumps and near mine shafts was ‘strictly forbidden’, just about everyone did it. If their parents had know what they got up […]

Billy ‘Cyclone’ Aitken – a man of many parts

William ‘Billy’ Gaskell Aitken was Mayor of Coolgardie in 1906 and a councillor in the town prior to this. After his term of office, he was presented with an elaborate engraved and coloured citation to commemorate his service. It said:                               […]

Mount Jackson Cemetery – grave tales

MOUNT JACKSON CEMETERY 1896-1914 = 9 burials Coordinates: -30.20141, 119.11102 110 km from Southern Cross Mount Jackson was named by the explorer Gregory in 1846. A settlement developed in the Mt Jackson area after gold was found there in 1894. There were two hotels are the height of the gold rush period. Mt Jackson Station and homestead […]