Roaring Days in Old Broad Arrow 1908 A Pioneer Publicans Troubles The Storming of Grants Groggery There used to be some purple hued hours in the now decadent old ” Arrow,” in tho devil-may-care and open handed Nineties. No one cared about the troubles of today, nor went out of his road to meet those […]
My Own Dear Boy:-
Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette 29 July 1897 SUICIDE AT SMITHFIELD Last Saturday week a miner, Thomas McKileen, living by himself in a tent at Smithfield, committed suicide by blowing his brains out. At an inquest held on Monday afternoon before the acting-Coroner, Mr. E. O. Butler, J,P. it was elicited that on Friday […]
Cabbage is a Fossick-King
Cabbage is a Fossick-King- by Hugh Schmitt (1984) Broad Arrow’s most colourful resident, he makes up a tenth of the permanent population – is a character everybody calls ‘Cabbage’. Joseph OMODEI (few people know his real name) lives in a comfortable tin shack surrounding by his prospecting gear a couple of quartz stone throws from […]
Ratepayers Gazetteer -1900
The following is an extract from an excellent online Gazetteer sent to me by an OFH reader, John Pritchard. In the foreword the publishers confidentially exclaim that this, the first issue, will be an annual production. Each year getting bigger and better. Sadly this never came to be and it appears that this was the […]
The Exchange Hotel Broad Arrow:
Following on from the recent article on the hotels of Broad Arrow I received an email from an OFH reader, John Hanley. His Gt Grandfather James Hanley owned and ran the Exchange Hotel and his family is fortunate in that the original cash book from the hotel has been preserved and passed down through the […]