Golden Age 24 March 1897, page 2 PERISHED FROM THIRST A PROSPECTOR’S TERRIBLE FATE Away in the remote interior of WA, Inspector McKenna received a wire from the police at Niagara, stating that the skeleton of a man had been discovered 200 miles northeast of Niagara. The remains are supposed to be those of Henry […]
Sadie and Arthur – a wander down the vale of tears
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 4 November 1897, page 12 A marriage took place at Burgess’ Hotel on Tuesday last, when Miss Sadie Richards agreed to wander down this vale of tears with Mr Arthur Dunlop, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Broad Arrow. Mr “Andy” Brophy gave the bride away, while the duties of best […]
Where Was Smithfield? – ghost town
Smithfield Western Australia 30.49648° or 30° 29′ 47″ south – 121.382° or 121° 22′ 55″ east A small settlement halfway between Kalgoorlie and Bardoc. Not gazetted, the nearest towns were Paddington and Broad Arrow. It was a popular picnic spot for many years as well as a mining area.
Broad Arrow Cemetery – Kurawah
For some time I have been working on my database of burials at the Broad Arrow Cemetery. My final total as of now, is 191 burials with 18 headstones (this is never set in stone and can change if new details come to light). Every cemetery provides a snapshot of the community at the time, […]
George August Dux – pioneer profile
The following story was sent to me by the President of the East Gippsland Family History Group, Debbie Squires, about one of their ‘locals’ who came west! “G.A.D.” has left an entertaining (and informative) description of Bairnsdale and districts in his writings – but who was he? There are a few clues in the narrative. […]