The Wright Family of Boulder – grave tales

William James Wright was born on 3 Jun 1880 at Cloverfield, Port Pirie, South Australia to George Main Wright and Elizabeth nee Rushall. He was their first child and the survivor of twin sons, his sibling being stillborn. He had one older brother born the following year. After his marriage in SA in 1910 the […]

From Gold to Milking Cows – by Helen Astrand

From Gold to Milking Cows A story of a young life on a dairy farm in the Goldfields by Helen Astrand nee Pollard The late 1890s saw John James POLLARD, born 1877 in Moonta in South Australia, travel from SA to Malcolm in the Northern Goldfields of Western Australia to seek his fortune. There he […]

The Cunninghams – by Gail and Arthur Peters

I was recently contacted by Gail and Arthur Peters who told me a wonderful story about their Cunningham ancestors on the Goldfields. The following is part of an article formerly written for the EG Historical Soc, and now is re-published here with the kind permission of the author, Gail Peters. Andrew Cunningham (Sr) is buried […]

The Man in a Mining Camp – by N E Gledhill

Men In A Mining Camp  – A tale by N.E. Gledhill This ‘Ripping Yarn’ from the pen of N E Gledhill is kindly shared by his Great Nephew Allen Gledhill with thanks:  As soon as I had explored the empty, hollow-sounding rooms of our new house in Boulder, I saw with delight that a huge […]

“Cock-Eyed Bob” Sheds light on House of Death.

Truth – Perth – 18 February 1928, page 9 “Cock-Eyed Bob” Sheds Light upon House of Death Compact. The fair, slimly-built Detective Parker took his last survey of the faded and dusty rooms. His work was complete. The mystery of the Kalgoorlie Death Pact was a mystery no more. The admissions of the man and […]