My Dear Annie – Missingham Letter 2

Friday 13 November 1896 My Dearest wife Since my last letter on Sunday I ran down to Kiama  (NSW) by 8.30 train and arrived at Albion Park at 12 noon saw Jamie & his wife and youngsters, the mater (Mother) was in Sydney in the suburbs but I could not find her. I took a run round […]

The Peoples Pictures – Travelling Road Show

The Peoples Pictures was a touring road show bringing picture shows to towns along the way. Here is an article on the from the Kalgoorlie Miner Dec 1st 1910.  The homes in the background are still a mystery, can anyone in Kalgoorlie Boulder identify them. Also, what do you think the two ‘poles’ in the […]

Tornado Hits Boulder – 1903

Tornado Hits Boulder: This was how the news of the big cyclone appeared in the Western Argus of Dec 22nd 1903. The most destructive cyclone storm ever to be experienced struck the town of Boulder on Wednesday Dec 21st. Suddenly the storm that had caused so much havoc in Kalgoorlie burst upon Boulder at about […]

They Were First – Edith Wallis

Kalgoorlie Miner 7th September 1938 The First White Woman in Boulder City! This photograph shows Mrs Edith Mar Elizabeth Wallis as a teacher at the first school in Boulder. Her daughter Maude (age 6) is on the far left in the front row and her son Alf (age 8) is fifth from the left in […]

Atlas Chambers Coolgardie

The site of the Atlas building in Bayley Street is now occupied by Ben Prior’s garage and is used by the Coolgardie Restoration Club, and was described as ‘One of the most striking additions to the architectural features in Coolgardie in the late 1890’s.’ Built of brick with cement dressings the front of the Atlas […]