A Legend Cut Down – pioneer profile

Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1950), Monday 19 March 1934, page 5 Tragedy at ORA BANDA Ora Banda has once more been the stage for a sad and dreadful fatality. Mr Charles Emery, who left the hotel with his cart and horse about 9 p.m. on Sunday, the 11th March was discovered on the […]

Deaths Registered in the Yilgarn 1894-1895

Early Goldfields Deaths 1894-1895 Registered in the Yilgarn District (Southern Cross) but died elsewhere. In the early days of the Western Australian Goldfields it took a number of years for Registrars to be appointed to the new towns as they were established. Southern Cross was the nearest point for the registration of any Birth Death […]

The Lake Eva Oil Hoax-

In May of 1923, Robert ROTHKEHL and Ernest Thompson claimed that they had struck oil at Mt Eva near Southern Cross in Prospecting area 1135. A Company was floated and shares sold. Western Mail – Perth 13 December 1923, page 26 THE OIL “BUBBLE” BURSTS. Tho discovery of oil in Lake Eva (near Southern Cross) […]

Sam Pearce- an extraordinary miner

This story has been written and is reproduced with the kind permission of the author – Chris Morgan. Acknowledgements: I am appreciative for the help freely given by many in locating and providing information and their encouragement to pursue this investigation.  In particular I thank Scott Wilson and the staff of the Eastern Goldfields Historical […]

Paddy and the Snake:-

Paddy NEVIN was an elderly identity pf Kunanalling who lived by himself ina  camp on the outskirts of town. Paddy had been involved in a nasty accident in his younger days, being dragged the length of a platform by a train, inflicting horrible painful injuries to his right leg. A stiff leg was to afflict […]