A Counsel & Co – pioneer profile

Weekly Times  Melbourne 10 September 1898 A. COUNSEL & CO, Bayley ST, Coolgardie W.A. WHOLESALE and RETAIL grocers. IRONMONGERS, WINE and Spirit merchants, Builders Material and Ironmongery at wholesale rates. MINING MATERIAL OF EVERY description. Galvanized, Corrugated and Plain Iron, Ridging, Spouting, etc. Carriage Ware, Oils, Paints, and Dry Colours Glass, plain and coloured Bedsteads […]

The Goldfields Pioneer – a verse

When the final bucket of dirt is drawn, And the windlass rope’s made fast, And there’s no work to do till morn, And we sit to our night’s repast;’ When we’ve sampled the meal of damper and ‘dog’, And lighted the ancient clay, What tales are told on the old camp log, To banish the […]

Everything you could need – Coolgardie adds

These advertisements show, that even though Coolgardie was a very isolated town, every convinience and comfort was offered for those with the funds to pay. These business all operated between 1894 and 1898 and some beyond this time.

Happy 5th Birthday Blog:

I cant believe that the blog has just turned 5 years old. Its been a long road and from humble beginnings. From its start, when I just wanted to records interesting stories I came across for my own interest to now, with over 5000 registered readers on the mailing list. I am just so pleased […]

Chamber of Mines – Coolgardie buildings

The Chamber of Mines Building in Coolgardie would have to have been one of the best buildings in the town I think. As you will see from these photos, the work that went into the design was amazing. The attached small building to the left was the accomodation of the registrar. It was demolished in […]