War Museum Opening

The official reopening of the Goldfields War Museum will take place on Saturday 9 March 2019. We will be asking people to assemble outside the old war museum building on Burt Street at 2.00pm and at 2.30pm we will commence a short march along the footpath to the Boulder Town Hall. The Mayor will then […]

A Murderous Assault at Menzies:

Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 – 1950), Tuesday 14 January 1902, page 3 Tragedy at Menzies. A shocking tragedy occurred at Menzies on Sunday night. About 10.30 o’clock the attention of persons in Shenton street was attracted by loud screams proceeding from a shop kept by Frank Walton. Several persons rushed to the place. They […]

Royce Woodhead – a soldier in the making

North Kalgoorlie School Cadets, winners of the best shooting school cadets. Taken in 1909. Back row ? SMITH, Jack BACKHOUSE, Captain Lionel JEFFRIES, E STRANGER, Eric LEAN Front Row:  Royce WOODHEAD, Tom CLEMENTS, B CAPLE,  Sid KINGS. Young Royce Woodhead would have been 14 yrs old in this photograph although he look younger. The shooting […]

I started reading ‘Where Is Brown Hill’ – by Tony Bozich

I started reading ‘Where Is Brown Hill’, having last read it years ago, people sometimes ask “Is it there still?” but really deep in their hearts they know. For Brown Hill is no more, not even a trace, yet real people and mines there existed, homes, mothers buying their daughters lace, and streets and schools […]

The Metropolitan Hotel – Coolgardie hotels 8

The Metropolitan Hotel Coolgardie: When Pat Kennedy and his wife vacated the site on the north-eastern corner of Bayley and Fords streets in 1894, Fred Brewer erected a hotel two years later which was called The Metropolitan. The hotel had two frontages – one on Bayley Street and the other in Ford Street, with he […]