We have been fortunate indeed to have been given access to the admission records of St Anthony’s, Coolgardie or The Coolgardie Convent. The records are being made available to us by the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea Archives and Heritage. We very much appriciated their assistance. The first […]
Dust and Dreams – a verse by Crissouli (c)
DUST AND DREAMS The old man sat, in silence upon the dusty floor not heeding sounds around him he dreamt of days of yore – For he’d once been a stockman on a station, rather grand, working mobs of cattle, then became a leading hand. They say he was the fastest that the folks had […]
The story behind the picture – a family
When Graham J Chapman came across this following post card in the collection of his Great Aunt Flo’s, he started on a journey of discovery into his Sharp, Fisher and Trease families, represented in the photo. He also released that she was also other people’s ‘Great Aunt Flo’ as well as his. What an amazing […]
The Story of the Murchison – Part 1
As told by the nephew of the Late J C Peterkin, also called J C Peterkin, in Perth, March 1946. About the years 1889-1890, Gilles MacPherson and J C Peterkin met in Perth. Both were old Kimberley and Queensland prospectors, they had known each other for a long time but had never actually worked together. […]
CBC Basket Ball – sports stars
Christian Brothers College Kalgoorlie has a long sporting history. There following are some photographs from the basket ball teams:- The missing name in the above photograph is Alan Cummings 1978-1979 Premier Winning Team. The following verse was written by OFH reader, Tony Bozich:- There’s the dream comes back of family, friend or schoolfellow long departed, […]