The Day Dawn Christmas Tragedy:

I have read of many tales of hardship and awful accidents over the years, but the following story is without doubt, one of the saddest and most tragic of all I have ever come across. I first read about it 11 years ago when I was contacted by Ian Leithhead, who asked me to assist […]

Fighting Sons of the Empire – Westonia WW1

The following records have been very kindly sourced by Graeme Monaghan, I would like to thank him for all his hard work:- The following is a list of the men who joined up for WW1 in Westonia WA. It is not a comprehensive list, as there may be others we have not yet found. As […]

Edwards Royal Hotel – Coolgardie Hotels

Edwards Royal Hotel – Coolgardie Lot 31, Cnr Ford and Bayley Streets, Coolgardie Rudy Krakouver’s Hotel was the first two story hotel in Coolgardie and opened for business in June 1895. Later the Edwards family took over the hotel and claimed the hotel offered ‘Superior accommodation and attractive waiters’. The catering at the Royal was […]

The French Cook and his family :

This is quite a well-known photograph, but until recently, I had not known who the people were. I have been contacted by Glenda Slan, who was able to tell me about the photograph and some of her family history. Glenda said, “The gentleman is my great great Grandfather Louis Fremery (he was French and a […]

The Meekatharra Hero – by A E Wallace

The Meekatharra Hero Rise up you noble warriors Australia’s boldest sons; And stand at ease a moment Behind Australia’s guns. For we’ve just unearthed a hero Who should commandeer the cake, Who, alone and unassisted Killed a deadly twelve inch snake. Talks of Roosevelt in the jungle And his tales of blood and gore. How […]