The Neglected Cemetery – by Janet Wells

Riding down a rutted track In climate hot and harsh, The townships just a few miles back Along the salty marsh; Its gardens full of flowering trees, Its fences bougainvillea strewn, Its roadside curbs of colored stone By local tradesmen hewn. Where people live in tidy homes, The single storied kind, And parks and greens […]

The Mysterious Mr Bradley – a family story

The comment ‘not another Lionel’ is a long-standing joke, between a good friend of mine and fellow historian, Graeme Sisson, who was the Archivist of the Police Historical Soc of WA at the time. It came to refer to any research inquiry that we were working on that was more than a little complicated and […]

George Brockway: the forgotten conservationist

George Brockway: the forgotten conservationist     by Roger Underwood Submitted by Ian Kealley My career as a forester, and the career of famous forester George Brockway, overlapped by exactly two days. On January 2nd, 1963, immediately after graduation from Forestry School, I  was appointed an Assistant District Forest Officer and posted to the Forests Department’s […]

Leo Naughton is dead – a verse

Today is the anniversary of the death of a local man, Leo Naughton. The following verse was written in his honor by me, his childhood friend –  Tony Bozich:- Someone said, “Leo Naughton is dead”, my friend of nine years schooling, who never a nasty word said whether at school or football or fooling. In […]

The Bardoc Murder –

In a post I did a few days ago about a lonely grave of Katherine Williamson at Bardoc I mentioned that there was the victim of a murder buried not far from her. The grave of the victim of the unsolved Bardoc murder is on the bank of the creek leading down from Lindsay’s Soak […]