Sunday Times 28 June 1908, page 3 BLACK RANGE PIONEERS “Where is ”Frenchy ?” There appeared in a recent issue of the Sunday Times, a paragraph relating to the original discoverers of Black Range, fourteen years ago in 1892. It was founded on the statement of one of them, McIntyre, as was published in the […]
Edward ‘Doo Dah’ Sullivan –
SULLIVAN Edward alias ‘Doo-dah” or “Dido” died 2 Jul 1896 age 36yrs – buried 2 miles north of Leonora. For some years his old barrow and some of his equipment reposed by his grave, but gradually they disappeared. Sir John Forrest later arranged to have a headstone and fence to be erected. A pioneer prospector […]
First WA Union and Labor Congress 1899:
Back Row: John Reside (A.C.D.C.A), R Hancock (Trades and Labor Council), Robert Hastie (AWA), William Fraser (AWA), James W Nevill (AWA), M H O’Connor (AWA), L Larney (Loco Drivers Assoc), William Stewart (AWA), J McCarthy (Bootmakers Union) Middle Row: R Balmire, R Pugh (Bakers Union), S R Hill (Boilermakers) , Fergie Reid (AWA), W Diver […]
Annie McCulloch – grave tales
The following grave is in the Presbyterian section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery, grave number 3625. The surroundings are in poor condition, and all the tiles and immortelles are missing, but the headstone at least is intact. Three people from one family are buried here. First, a little girl, Annie Danella Muir Roy MCCULLOCH ‘Ella’, who […]
Blogs 6th Birthday –
I cant believe that the blog has just turned 6 years old. Its been a long road and from humble beginnings. From its start, when I just wanted to records interesting stories I came across for my own interest to now, with over 5800 registered readers on the mailing list. I am just so pleased […]