The following newspaper article about a local wedding was reported, as you will see, in great detail. This was very common and sometimes each wedding present received was also listed with the name of the person who gave it. , It is to remember in these days that no one had television and articles like […]
A Lost and Desolate Wanderer –
Evening Journal, Adelaide, 30 January 1894 A Terrible Experience at Coolgardie. A well-known and respected resident of Kent Town has received a letter from his son, who recently went to Coolgardie from Adelaide, from which the following is extracted :— “On December 24 and 25 (Merry Christmas Day) I was dying, […]
Charles William Douglas and family – by Harry Firns
The following family story is submitted by Harry Firns and was written by George Charles Douglas about his father Charles William Douglas. Born Inglewood 1871 died Adelaide 1916 My father Charles William Douglas married Annie May Bowen in 1900 in Melbourne and they sailed shortly afterwards to Western Australia. They lived in Boulder City where […]
“The Challenge’ for the ‘Belle of Coolgardie’
In the days of early Coolgardie it was often the case that when a disagreement occurred it was settled in the time honored way by bashing each other senseless. This was welcomed by the general population who were somewhat starved for entertainment. It also ensured your ‘disagreement’ was well and truly ‘settled’. Coolgardie drew to […]
Madame Eugene Vauthier – pioneer profile
CENTENARIAN DIES – Nurse in Franco-Prussian War – Thur 26th Dec 1935 Kalgoorlie Miner This photograph was taken a fortnight before Eugenie Vauthier broke her leg and entered hospital. It shows her with Jack Frost, an old prospector who regarded her as his mother and took care of her. The dog is Marshall, a great pal […]