Kanowna Cemetery a grave condition.

Last week you may have read a shjort blog post on the Kanowna Cemetery. In this story I included a newspaper article from tnhe 1920’s which complained of the deplorable condition of ‘Gods Acre’ at Kanowna. For this article I decided to take a trip out there and to take some ‘now’ photos of some […]

John Avery – grave tales

John Avery, beloved father of Emily Maltman, died on the 8th February 1904 at Boulder City. John Avery was born in Gunnislake Cornwall England and was the son of Nathaniel and Maria nee BROAD. He was married to Elizabeth Jane WADGE. he was a miner. Kalgoorlie Miner Saturday 13 February 1904, page 4 DEATH. MALTMAN.— […]

The remarkable love life of Beth Maynard:

The following story is one of the most unusual I have read for some time. It really does fit into the category of ‘Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales’ The story starts SA and ends in NSW but has a Goldfields link!!! It is reproduced here with the kind permission of the author,Annie McKay O’Riley,  from […]

Bullfinch and the Yilgarn Goldfield – book review

Book Review – Bullfinch and the Yilgarn Goldfield by Gilbert M Ralph Bullfinch and the Yilgarn Goldfield had its beginnings with a suggestion from Sir Laurence Brodie-Hall that the unique nature of the community at Bullfinch during the Great Western Consolidated era from 1950 to 1963 deserved recording. Sir Arvi Parbo, who began his mining […]

Manslaughter in the Mulga – how Fulton fell

Truth (Perth)  20 August 1910, page 6 ‘Kanowna Kase’ Manslaughter in the Mulga How Fulton Fell Cox Committed The little Kanowna Police Court was crowded last Thursday, when the visiting magistrate, Mr. W. A. G. Walter, presided over an inquiry concerning the death of a man named Henry Fulton. The three jurymen were Messrs Mainstone, […]