The squatter saw his pastures wide Decrease, as one by one The farmers moving to the west Selected on his run; Selectors took the water up And all the black soil round; The best grass-land the squatter had Was spoilt by Ross’s Ground. Now many schemes to shift old Ross Had racked the squatter’s brains, […]
My Dearest Lottie – grave tales
Several years ago I received a letter from Ian Hopley regarding some old correspondence he found amongst his late mothers papers. They were written by his Great Grandfather William Webster, first from Victoria and then from Malcolm in the Murchison of Western Australia. The letters mention his daughter Delia, nicknamed Deanie, who was Ian’s Grandmother. […]
Dead Man in a Mine Shaft
Kalgoorlie Miner Wednesday 31 August 1898, page 4 A Dead Man In A Mine Shaft BELIEVED TO BE A KANOWNA RESIDENT. A gruesome discovery was made at about 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon by Mr H Colin. That gentleman was walking over the ground about three quarters of a mile to the south west of the […]
Burtville Cemetery:
BURTVILLE CEMETERY 14 Named Burials: (thought to be over 30 graves) The first thing I noticed about the Burtville cemetery was the cause of deaths for the 14 named burials. There were no deaths of women amongst them, but there were two infants. Of the 14, if you include the two infants, only 3 were […]
The Publican and the Pig
Coolgardie 1905 Paddy Murphy ran a ‘Shypoo’ (sly grog) ranch unbeknownst to the authorities. His establishment was always identified by Paddy’s favorite pet pig. Paddy could not read or write, nor could his wife Bridget. Their system of accounting didn’t apply the rules of double entry it answered all practical accounting purposes well enough. It […]