Youanmi Cemetery :

Latitude : 28 37 S Longitude : 118 50 E Youanmi is an abandoned goldfields townsite located 570 km north east of Perth and 90 km south west of Sandstone. Gold was discovered in the area in 1896, but was of insufficient richness to warrant being developed. The area was rediscovered in 1908, and by […]

The Ragged Thirteen – a verse

Sunday Times 21 August 1938, page 21 A Rhyme of the Ragged Thirteen (By Dryblower Murphy.) The cases of fizz are on the ice, the table turkey’s trussed (Hang the bother and hang the price when its vintage versus dust). There’s crooners to croon and a band to play, speeches and toasts in turn, And […]

James Connolly – grave tales

This grave is one of the earliest in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. James Connolly died before the first Cemetery Board was appointed in December 1896 and the current numbering system commenced.  There is no grave number on the grave but according to the records for this period  number 23 was allocated at the time. He is […]

The Golden Graveyard:

Western Australian Goldfields Courier, Coolgardie  9 February 1895, page 4 WESTERN WANDERINGS. CAMP FIRE and FOREST TRACK. A GOLDEN GRAVEYARD. [BY A. G. ‘Smiler’ HALES] Michael William Kelly had thrown a seven. No one knew exactly what it was that killed him. Some of the boys at Kurnalpi, where he had worked long and well […]

Isabel of the Erlistoun – a family story

Isabel of the Erlistoun I have recently been sent the following story by Shirley Mayors. It was written by her mother as dictated by her own mother, Isabel Dwyer, Shirley’s Grandmother. It’s a fascinating story about how hard life was in these early Goldfields days. It was a far cry from being a member of […]