Magnet Mirror and Murchison Reflector 12 January 1928 Polo Shadows. Now saddle up your brumbies, And tighten up your girth; The task is now before you, And we will soon know what your worth For you’ll meet the greatest horsemen, That ever yet has been; And see the greatest polo match, That ever yet was […]
Darcy Uhr’s Bell Bird – by John Drayton
Smith’s Weekly, Sydney, Saturday 19 February 1927, page 21 WEST AUSTRALIAN pioneers who remember Norman Sligo and Harry Swincer, will be glad to know that Norman is doing well in New Zealand. He is general manager of the Anderson’s Bay quarries at Dunedin. He and Swincer were early on at Mt Magnet and with the […]
The Back Country Honors its Dead
Sunday Times – Sunday 29 September 1912, page 11 THE GRAVE OF A PIONEER Walter B (S) Williams – the Prospector of Mt Ida Wandering about the goldfields of this State, away from the beaten paths, it may be, one sometimes unexpectedly happens across a lonely grave. Sometimes, but very rarely, it’s merely a mound […]
A clock on the wall – Lindell Jewellers
In 2008 I was contacted by Kirsti Hiekka Langbein who lives in Finland, and who was seeking information on her Grandfather who was a jeweller in early Kalgoorlie. We corresponded for some time and I was able to tell her that the clock in the Kalgoorlie town hall chambers was made by Lindell’s Jewellers, as was […]
John Holt – grave tales
There are roughly 94 burials in the Bulong Cemetery, but only 17 identifiable headstone. By far the most impressive of these and the best preserved, is the memorial to John Holt. As you will see no expense was spared. After the Christian cross, the urn is one of the most commonly used cemetery monuments. The […]