Robbery Under Arms on the Coolgardie Road In the early days of the Goldfields the escort used to leave Coolgardie every week with parcels of gold varying from £5000 to £50,000 in value. It was a common remark to hear passed by the diggers, who usually gathered to watch the gold being taken out of […]
A Fine Moustache – ‘It is an Art”
As we are coming to the end of November for 2020, I wish to thank all those brave soles who have ventured, for the first time for some, to grow a mustache to raise funds to help mens health. Not all the mustaches are as fine as our unknown man, but as Hercule Poirot, the […]
Mollie’s Box – a family story
by Pam Caddy In 1999 a television program ‘Adopt A Soldier’ promoting the Perth Battye Library, featured a copy of a photograph of Pam Caddy’s father and four of his brothers all serving in WW1. This was the first time that Pam had seen the photo and she found out that it was from a […]
Russian Jack – the other J F K
Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift: a journal of bush history Russian Jack and Synchronicity – by Diane Oldman I rather thought I had made up the word ‘synchronicity’ and when I attempted to look it up in several dictionaries I couldn’t find it. So I decided it was a new noun – my noun. Then […]
Comet Vale Cemetery
COMET VALE – Latitude 29° 56 36′ S Longitude 121° 07 34′ E Comet Vale is an abandoned goldfields mining town, situated about 30 kilometers south of Menzies. It is named after a comet, visible at the time gold was discovered in the area, and in 1895 had a population of 500. It was […]