Spinifex and Sand I will sing you a lay of W.A. Of a wanderer, travelled and tanned By the sun’s fierce ray, through the livelong day In the Spinifex and Sand. At the day’s first dawn, in earliest morn, As a soldier obeys a command, From his blanket he’s torn, still weary and worn, By […]
The Loader family – pioneer profile
The following story is an extract from the family history of Reg Blackmore and is reproduced with his permission. Emma and Nathaniel were his Great Grandparents. Emma Jane Loader’s first trip to the WA goldfields December 1895 Written by Emma in 1937 at age 95 years. Mrs Loader and her daughter, Mrs Harriet Childs Bottrill, […]
Greek Tragedy at Lawlers
Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Tuesday 13 January 1903, page 31 THE LAWLERS MURDER INQUEST AND TRIAL. Inquest into the deaths of Sophia, and and her child Emanuel Psechetsas. The victims of the terrible tragedy at Lawlers on December 20 was begun on Tuesday last, Detective Walsh having arrived from Kalgoorlie two […]
Off to the Boer War:
Goldfields Men in the Boer War:- “The West Australian 6 Apr 1901′ http://bit.ly/2BpLT19 THE SIXTH CONTINGENT – AT KARRAKATTA CAMP. At last the members of the Sixth Contingent have been supplied with uniforms. On Thursday evening these were delivered, and yesterday each man was handed his khaki-coloured clothes. The men were paraded in their […]
Jim Keen – those who blazed the tracks
Daily News – Perth – 27 October 1934, page 16 Jim Keen, who arrived in Kalgoorlie from out from the East this week with three camels, has prospected in several other countries besides Australia, and has had some narrow shaves in the last 40 years. But he reckons the narrowest he has had was just […]