A Racing Man from Tipparary – grave tales

FATAL MINING ACCIDENT IN THE PERSEVERANCE MINE – MAN FALLS DOWN A PASS. Richard Ryan, a well known citizen of Boulder, met with an instantaneous death in the Great Boulder Perseverance. Kalgoorlie Western Argus 17 March 1908, page 17 On Wednesday 11th March about 9.30 a.m. the deceased and a mate, Albert Matthews, were working […]

The Prince and the Diggers Daughter:

Nambucca and Bellinger News 6 May 1932, page 5 A TALE OF THE GOLDFIELDS written by JAMES GRAYSON When gold is calling, however tortuous the road, civilised men all the world over (and some women, too) will overcome all apparent impossible obstacles, reaching their objective often in the last stage of endurance. How strange it […]

Matron Emily Hart by Marion Ward:

Thanks to Marion Ward for researching this amazing woman. She’s a real heroine of the bush. This history was researched to hopefully provide the provenance of a collection of jewelry, which was donated to a suburban historical society. I was Keeper of Records at the society and decided to undertake the task of research as […]

The Fight for the Ida H:

With thanks to Gary Cowans: Truth 16 February 1930, page 6 THE FIGHT FOR IDA H Who discovered the Ida H gold mine, twenty miles from Mount Margaret, in the State of West Australia? Who got the half million sterling extracted from it? Whence was its name derived? Ask those question of old Dick (Richard) […]

Paynesville – ghost town

Paynesville is located  77 km east of Mount Magnet, Western Australia Gold was discovered in this area in early 1898 by Tom Payne and Arthur Waldeck, and by April 1898 the place had been inspected by a surveyor and a plan of subdivision prepared. It was at first referred to as ‘Paynton’, and ‘East Mount […]