St Ives Cemetery – grave tales

St Ives AKA Ives Find Cemetery (no headstones) Reserve 18492 (Cancelled in 1991) on the Gold Fields St Ives Mine Site (not accessible without permission from mine) DOUGLAS William – d about 12 Aug 1933, 69 yrs, a half a mile west of St Ives Hotel, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Natural Causes, Son of John and […]

Uncovering the Truth of Kate Cooper Bux –

I was recently sent the following fascinating family story by Karen Hayes. Thanks to Karen and her aunts, Jude and Kath,  for her kind permission to share the story with you. She originally contacted me to ask for transcripts from the Kalgoorlie Hospital records for her Great Grandmother and her two children. These are the […]

“For Those Who Blazed The Track”

Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery – 44 burials. “The Rev Thomas Trestrail writes to the Courier this week, complaining about the barbarous state of things existing at the Coolgardie cemetery. He asserts that bodies are thrown into shallow graves anyhow, and no proper record is kept of the burials. Foul odours are he says, commencing to arise […]

Dastardly and Diabolical Deed at Day Dawn

Evening Mail – Fremantle 23 March 1908, page 1 No one will deny that Harry Goninon Smith, who at 8 o’clock this morning paid, on the scaffold at the Fremantle Prison, the last penalty for the supreme crime in the criminal calendar, was the murderer of the man, William John Clinton at Day Dawn. No […]

Two Brides for Two brothers – pioneer profile

Westralian Worker Perth – 26 Jun 1931 – Fremantle News and Views OBITUARY – GOLDFIELDS PIONEER PASSES Buried on Saturday afternoon, June 6, in the Fremantle Cemetery, Mr. Edward Currie, of Hickory Street, South Fremantle. The deceased was a well-known Goldfields identity, who participated in the hectic days of the roaring nineties on the WA […]