Sanitary Carter’s Tragic End

Kalgoorlie Western Argus Tuesday 11 March 1902.
A carter named Charles Noell, an employee of Mr O Sloss, met with a terrible death, yesterday morning through being jolted off his cart on the road to the Boulder sanitary depot. When last seen alive by two fellow carters, about 4 o’clock, the deceased had almost finished his round. These carters then drove to the depot, and on the road back to the stables, about 5 o’clock, they saw deceased’s horses standing in the track at the back of the racecourse. Thinking the cart had got stuck they went across to render assistance, only to find the unfortunate man lying dead in a deep rut, with the wheel on his neck and chest.

“pipe upright, in a perfectly natural manner, still in his clenched teeth”

He had evidently been jolted off and killed instantaneously, as his pipe was upright, in a perfectly natural manner, in his clenched teeth when the body was viewed by the coroner several hours later. The deceased was a man of about 35 years of age. He was married, and leaves a widow and three children. Mr. W. T.Rabbish, J.P. acting coroner, and a jury, consisting of Messrs. J. Jerger,’ J. J. Corbett, and W. H. Hewson, conducted an inquiry in the Boulder Court room. Timothy Moyle, manager for Mr. Sloss, identified the deceased as one of the men employed by Mr. Sloss as a nightman. His duties would cause him to go every morning in the direction in which he was. found. Dr Rhodes deposed that he examined the body of the deceased. The collarbone and four upper ribs had been, crushed in, and such injuries caused to the underlying parts that death would have been instantaneous. James Watson, carter, deposed that he knew deceased. Last saw him at 4 o’clock yesterday (Thursday) morning, at the west end of Wittenoom street. Frederick Simpson, another carter, was present at the time. Witness asked deceased if he was finished, and he said he had a few more places to pick up. He was then sober. Next saw him an hour later when returning from the depot. He was then lying on the wheel track, with the wheel on his neck and chest. He was then dead. The deceased had apparently been jolted off the dray, and while he was lying on the road the wheel caught him. Charles Frederick Simpson, carter, gave corroborative evidence. ‘The jury found that the deceased met his death through. an accident, and that no blame could be attributed to anyone. Charles Noell is buried in the Old Boulder Cemetery.

The Night Cart Man

The Night Cart Man

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.


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