Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 9th May 2021

Hello everyone, how has your week been? Im just loving this colder weather, I do so hate the heat. It must be in my ‘English’ blood.

Office moving update! I have been encouraged to get more of the office relocation done by yet another large piece of the ceiling ending up on the floor. I feel that Im on borrowed time and one day, probably quite soon, the whole ceiling will be down, probably with the assistance of our cats running around in the roof. The poor ceiling which is 90yrs+ has had enough. So I will show you the only tidy and organised part of the office to date. When my OCD is kicking in, I look in the cupboard to give me inspiration. Let’s move the office to the other end of the house they said, it will be easy they said  Hah !!!!!!!!

On the plus side, I’m finding so many things that I didn’t know were lost. I have made myself a promise that I will go through everything, (apart from the ‘Great wall of Moya in the garage), so I know exactly what I have.

Once this move is over I can start work again on the book on the history of the town of Bardoc, started some two years ago and should be finished by now. I have collected a huge amount of information from all over, and now need to fit it in with the chapter outlines I have already done.

It’s not going to be my ‘magnum opus’, but I hope it will be an addition to Goldfield’s history. You may know that there was a small book written on the town some years ago by the late Doug Darroch. After contacting his family through the West Australian ‘Can You Help’, they have given me permission to use any of his text in the new book with accreditation. I will also need to get permission from the Eastern Goldfields Historical Soc to use the photographs.

Also From the article, I have been contacted by a lady and a man, who lived in Bardoc when youngsters and are both now in the 90’s. They have both written down their memories of the town as it was in their day.

So now it’s goodbye from me!! as my program will be sending out the newsletter in half an hour if Im ready or not. Things seem to be taking longer now Im using ‘Grammarly’. Is it weird to argue with a computer program about how you spell things???

I hope you all have a lovely Mother’s day tomorrow (if you are in Australia that is), if not have a great Sunday all the same.  PS:  This is my Mam, Im afraid she didn’t pass on her glamorous genes to me.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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