Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – 30 May 2021

Hope you are keeping warm on this chilly day. My new filing cabinet is here and now I’m waiting on my new desk to arrive. I’ve been told that no one uses filing cabinets anymore, how odd!!!

Some things that have ‘turned up’ in the office move.

  1. A large box of photographs that my friend took around Kalgoorlie Boulder in the 1980s.
  2. A file of wedding-related documents from Boulder 1940-1950 – posted a list the week
    before last.
  3. My original copy of ‘Those Were the Days’ by A Reid.
  4. A Copy of the Pendennie- Christmas Sports Boxing Day Program (It is hilarious)
  5. Books which I have found, that I thought had gone missing:
    A Bugger to Go by Reg Howard about Wiluna
    The Saga of Paddington Gold by Austin Sprake
    Norseman the first 10 years 1894-1904
    Niagara by A Cheetham 1979 Goldfields History No 1
  6. Photocopies of Trafalgar Rates Books copied at Battye Library some 18yrs ago.

So lots of things to share with you later on. I would love to hear what you have been up to this week. Are you working on a project that you would, like to share with other readers. I always welcome hearing from you. If you could email, that would be great as I’m a bit hard of hearing on the phone. My email is

We have had our youngest daughter having an unplanned, extended stay with us. She came up to see us before returning to Melbourne in a few week’s time, just for the weekend, and then got grounded here because of Victoria’s lockdown as she had been there two weeks ago for work. She has to stay in isolation till her COVID test comes back negative.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words about my little dog, I will respond to you all soon personally. We have now come to terms with her illness and we have decided not to go down the surgery road but to treat her pain when it comes and to give her the best life for the time she has left with us.

So it’s goodbye from me, and have a great week everyone where ever you are. Its bucketing down here in Kalgoorlie.♥

Momo in her Eagles Colours -  Shes not really a fan but shes showing support to Norm (her other human).

Momo in her Eagles Colours – She’s not really a fan, but she’s showing support to Norm (her other human). To the lady who asked what she is, she’s a Pomeranian Corgi X – Its called a Porgie (how funny is that?)

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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